In today's fast-food society


Americans are among the unhealthiest people in the developed world.  A diet high in processed foods and low in fresh fruits and vegetables has been linked to our nation's high rates of obesity and chronic disease.  While some people are able to maintain a healthy weight despite eating fast food regularly, the fact is that fast food is generally unhealthy for our bodies.  In addition to the high calorie and fat content of most fast food meals, the food itself is often highly processed and lacking in nutrients.

In today's fast-food society, it has become easier to eat unhealthly. Our health is put in danger when we consume these types of foods on a regular basis. The over-abundance of fast-food restaurants make it difficult to make the healthy choice. This paper will explore how fast-food is unhealthly for our health.

Most Americans are aware that eating too much fast food can lead to health problems. However, they may not realize just how serious those health problems can be. Eating fast food on a regular basis can increase the risk for obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. In fact, studies have shown that people who eat fast food more than once a week are more likely to die from heart disease than those who do not eat fast food at all.

It is safe to say that fast food is unhealthly. A study done by the American Heart Association found that diets high in saturated fat can raise your cholesterol and lead to heart disease. The study also found that eating a lot of fast food can also lead to obesity.

The average American diet is notoriously unhealthy. A large portion of the population consumes fast food on a regular basis. This kind of food is generally high in calories, fat, and sodium. It is also low in nutrients.

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